Saturday, 07 September 2024

In Agriculture

Libya is home to one of the most incredible engineering feats in the world – the Great Man-Made River Project. This network of pipes supplies water from the Sahara Desert to the cities of Libya, providing irrigation and drinking water to millions of people.

Built at an estimate cost of US$200 million, Al-Fayrouz Fish Farming Project, is now the largest Aquaculture project in Africa. The farm is expected to produce over one million tons of fish and generate more than US$200 million in revenues in the next five years. The project is located on a 480-acre site in the coastal region of Fajr al-Fayrouz, east of Alexandria, Egypt.

The Women’s Farming Syndicate (WFS), founded in 2011, is an agribusiness community with a diverse membership from professionals to grass roots; a business constituency that has grown to over 5,000 women entrepreneurs across the country with key projects and programmes that include the Annual Women’s Showcase Market, the Weekly SMEs Market, and an eCommerce platform.

Aquaculture is the main source of fish production in Egypt. Tilapia is the most farmed species in the country, with 115,000 hectares of aquaculture ponds. Most of the country’s fish production is consumed domestically, which is equivalent to one fish per person per week.

Cabanga Media Group publishes of thoughtful economic and business commentary magazines and online media, in several African markets, that include South Africa, Botswana, East Africa Community, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nigeria, and Zambia.