Saturday, 07 September 2024

In Finance

The McKinsey Global Institute, addressed a very important question, "How productively are we using our wealth?", and gave an insightful answer using financial accounting terminology to show a picture of the global economy. As the world looks to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, an understanding of the health and resilience of the global economy can help inform the decisions of business leaders and policy makers as they work to shape the recovery.

Money is diverse, and one can only see its diversity when they travel across countries for business or pleasure. Money is there to help transact, paying for plane tickets, or even refuelling the car as you travel. In Western economies, when you go to the airport, you pay with a credit card or a debit card. But it is not always that simple in other parts of the world. In Africa, and a bulk of other countries, usage of cash for business transactions and travel related expenses is the gnome, as money is diverse.

Cabanga Media Group publishes of thoughtful economic and business commentary magazines and online media, in several African markets, that include South Africa, Botswana, East Africa Community, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nigeria, and Zambia.